

诊断医学超声项目有一个精心设计的课程,为学生提供在超声行业茁壮成长所需的知识和培训. The program covers abdomen, small parts, obstetrics-gynecology and vascular sonography.

基础课程由高技能人员提供, 在教室和临床实验室的认证讲师. 提供最新成像技术的实践培训,为学生的临床轮转和病人护理做好准备. 在该领域的经验是学习过程的重要组成部分,并允许学生在真正的医疗保健环境中学习,因为他们准备过渡到劳动力市场.

在成功完成76小时的DMS课程后, 学生将在学术上准备参加美国诊断医学超声检查注册考试, Cardiovascular Credentialing International or the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists. 学生将获得必要的知识,以尝试腹部模式的认证, OB, or Vascular, 当符合各视角机构的条件时.

每学期都会为未来的学生举行信息发布会. Students selected for the program are notified no later than June 15 each year. A mandatory orientation meeting is held in late-June for all accepted students.




DMS machine





  • 毕业于CAAHEP认证的DMS项目
  • 血管注册超声医师
  • 具有5年以上临床扫描经验的超声医师
  • 少数席位保留给通过SPI并获得项目主任和院长批准的高级DMS学生.  



A new class will be admitted to the 诊断医学超声程序 each Fall Semester. Student selection is based on completion of all requirements: ACT scores, transcripts, admission score and availability of space at the clinical facilities.

  1. 无条件被大学录取. Apply for admissions here
  2. Submit 在线课程申请 在5月10日之前开始.
  3. Submit supporting documents to the Admissions Office by the deadline:
    1. 其他大学的正式成绩单
    2. Official ACT score (with a minimum composite score of 18 on the national or residual test) 
  4. Must have at least a 2.5 GPA on a 4.通识教育课程0分
  5. 所有普通和预科课程必须保持C或以上. If courses were repeated, the highest grade for the course will be used.
  6. 必须在申请截止日期前完成DMS项目的所有必修课程,还是必须在十大赌博app申请截止日期当年的春季学期之前完成课程. (参见常见问题以获得先决条件列表.)
  7. 必须在学院有良好的信誉
  8. 必须满足DMS学生的基本功能要求 
  9. 通过犯罪背景调查和毒品检查
  10. Must attend DMS information session and receive signed documentation of attendance
  11. Must be able to show Proof of Health Insurance once offered admittance into the program
  12. Students who make it into Phase 2 of the Admissions Process, must show proof of CPR-BLS. (建议尽快获得认证,这样你就不会在时间紧张的情况下找课程了.)

在申请和注册完成后, students are scored using a blind scoring system based on their GPA and ACT score. 前40名申请者将进入录取程序的第二阶段. 没有进入前40名的学生将收到书面通知,并鼓励他们再次申请下一节课或申请GSCC其他优秀的健康科学课程之一.


  1. Panel interview. 面试日期和时间将通过电子邮件通知学生
  2. 写一篇文章,详细介绍“什么是超声检查”?和“为什么我想成为一名超声波技师。?” Must be a minimum of two pages and must be brought to the panel interview
  3. 两封打印并签名的专业推荐信
  4. CPR-BLS认证复印件(带到小组面试时)




“To prepare competent entry-level sonographers in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), 和情感(行为)学习领域的以下集中(s)它提供:腹部超声-扩展, 妇产科超声检查, and Vascular sonography.”


Items Cost
Books $1,450
Uniforms $150
Shoes $40
Pictures (graduation) $40
Pin $80
毕业费(包括学位帽及学士学位) $60
药物筛选和背景调查 $121
健康保险(如果通过学校购买) $524
每年体检和免疫接种(视需要而定) $296
CPR $45
学费:76学时,每学时166美元* $12,616
Trajecsys Registration $150
Sonoism $450
Exam fees $475
Total $16,497

*In-state tuition fees are $164 per credit hour and consist of $123 per credit hour for tuition, 每学时10美元的ACCS增强费, 每学分9美元的授信续期费, 每学分9美元的技术费用, 每学时12美元的特殊建筑费, 以及每学时1美元的ACCS预留费.


We offer instructor led, 一名学生为产科病人做超声扫描, 2nd and 3rd trimester. 4D scans also available. Other ultrasound screenings available include vascular, abdomen or thyroid. OB扫描和图像下载需收费. 

Book Appointment


请注意:所有在GSCC进行的超声扫描仅用于学生教育和非诊断. GSCC, its staff and/or students, are not responsible for volunteer patient's medical diagnosing or medical outcomes.



9355 - 113th St. N, #7709
Seminole, FL 33775 

www.CAAHEP.org | mail@caahep.org | 727-210-2350

The program received original accreditation in 2020, in the modalities of: 

  • Abdomen
  • Vascular 


Start Here

Step 1 – Review the Application Information below before continuing with the application process. 你必须有一个十大赌博app的学生a号,并访问你的学生门户网站,才能填写在线DMS项目申请. 如果您有问题,请联系 Help Desk.

Step 2 – Access the DMS program application for Gadsden State. After logging into your student account, you will be taken to the program application.

Step 3 -彻底阅读申请的第一页. 完成第2页、第3页和第4页. 在申请表第5页签字并提交. No changes or additions can be made to your application after you submit. 不接受书面申请.

Step 4 – Verify that you received a submission confirmation email to your GSCC student email account. 保存电子邮件以备不时之需.

IMPORTANT: If you need to save your application and complete it at a later date, 点击应用程序屏幕底部的“保存进度”. 当您准备好完成申请时, log in to your myGadsdenState account and click the NextGen link in your Launch Pad. 查看待处理/草稿表格以恢复保存的申请.

Informational Meetings

如果您没有参加过之前的会议,请观看DMS信息会议视频. This is a mandatory requirement for a student to apply for the program. 


Kelsey C. Taylor, BA, RDMS

Program Director

256-439-6886 | KTaylor@GadsdenState.edu